Friday, June 27, 2008

fk-off friendships...

...are apparently easier to come by than i thought.

15 years isn't so long in the land of friendship, as i just learned from what i considered a close friend, who, putting words in my mouth, wrote, "if you're even suggesting [xyz] you can fuk off".

he is caught up in the land of daves. when i suggested it may be that he can't play the dual role of being "best friends" with the dave here, and "good friends" with me, saying that i should really just leave him be, i was countered with the "go f yourself" phrase.

this is the first time i've been told to fuk off by a good friend, or whom i thought was one. essentially, the game is changing here, from one that was built on solidarity to one that is every man for himself. i never saw it coming.

needless to say i don't want it to. that'll become more & more apparent, but for now it's probably safer to put outright. girlfriends usually state things & ask if the assumptions are correct before moving on with the "fk-off" statements; males, apparently, just forge on ahead. mabbatical reason #2.

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